For Immediate Release: October 6, 2020
Governor Ralph Northam recently
announced the appointment of Alexandria Fire Department Lieutenant Kaandra Wilson to the Virginia State Child Fatality Review Team.
“Lieutenant Wilson continues to show a great sense of leadership, and she is always willing to share her knowledge and talents with others in an effort to move the fire and EMS service into the future,” said Fire & EMS Chief Corey Smedley. “We know she will represent our department well and be a great asset to the State Child Fatality Review Team.”
The Virginia State Child Fatality Review Team is unique when compared with similar groups across the country. Rather than review every fatality each year, Virginia’s team chooses a specific injury type, or cause or manner of death, on which to focus its review. The team is tasked with developing recommendations for prevention, education, and improved investigation.
Lieutenant Wilson, who is also a paramedic, joined the Alexandria Fire Department in 2011 and has since received the following awards:
The State Child Fatality Review Team is chaired by the Chief Medical Examiner, and the governor appoints one representative from various agencies – including local law enforcement, local fire departments, social services agencies, and community service boards – to serve for three-year terms.
For inquiries from the news media, contact Senior Public Information Officer Raytevia Evans, at or 703.746.5190.
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