For Immediate Release: September 16, 2020
The City of Alexandria and the Alexandria Health Department (AHD) remind everyone that you are safest at home. Older adults and persons with underlying medical conditions are at greater risk for severe disease and are advised to minimize potential exposures as much as possible. Please keep at least 6 feet of distance from others. Everyone is required to wear a mask over both their nose and mouth at all times in most indoor public settings. Use the Virginia Department of Health’s COVIDWISE app to be quickly and anonymously notified of likely exposure to the virus. Your neighbors and loved ones are counting on you.
As flu season approaches, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published information on the similarities and differences between the flu and COVID-19. The flu and COVID-19 are similar in that they can appear in the form of fever, cough, shortness of breath or fatigue, or show no symptoms. They can be spread for at least one day before symptoms appear and both spread primarily through droplets produced when an infected person sneezes, coughs or talks. However, there are differences between the flu and COVID-19. Flu symptoms can start within one to four days of exposure and can be treated with antiviral drugs; most people recover in less than two weeks. COVID-19 can take five to 14 days to present symptoms; can require longer than two weeks to recover; is more contagious among certain populations and age groups; and does not have an FDA-approved treatment or vaccine. Both the flu and COVID-19 can result in severe complications so it is important to take every precaution to prevent infection.
While there is currently no vaccine for COVID-19, there are multiple FDA-licensed flu vaccines that can protect against up to four strains of influenza virus each year. To provide easy access to the flu vaccine, AHD is hosting two flu clinic events. A drive-through clinic will take place on Saturday, September 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at T.C. Williams High School (3330 King St.). A walk-up clinic will be held on Saturday, October 5, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Francis C. Hammond Middle School (4646 Seminary Road). Masks and physical distancing are required. Please do not attend if experiencing even mild symptoms of illness. Review the details about flu clinics before attending.
Applications will be accepted for a second round of Alexandria Back to Business (ALX B2B) grants beginning at 8 a.m. on September 30 until noon on October 5. Grant funds will be available to qualifying small businesses and certain nonprofits to offset costs or investments related to reopening and rescaling their business in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this year, the ALX B2B program disbursed $3.495 million to 303 businesses that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. The program criteria has been expanded for this second round of grants so additional types of businesses and nonprofit childcare providers will be eligible to apply. Grants will be awarded in amounts ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 depending on the number of employees working at the business. Applications must be completed and submitted online to the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership.
The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Alexandria is now 3,628, including 65 fatalities. The fatality listed in the Virginia Department of Health dashboard today has been incorrectly attributed to the City of Alexandria. The error will be corrected on September 17. COVID-19 is spread by people whether or not they have symptoms. AHD estimates that approximately 1 in 12 infected Alexandrians have required hospitalization. Everyone must do their part to stop the spread: maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others, wear a mask over both the nose and mouth, and carry and use hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethyl alcohol. An estimated 40% of people who become infected never have symptoms, so it is essential to remain vigilant when you are around others. Be prepared to answer a call from the Alexandria Health Department in case you are identified as a close contact. Detailed data, including data on age, race and ethnicity, is available through links at
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