Release date: 2017-08-28
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[Archived] 2017 Vehicle Personal Property Tax Bills Mailed

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The City of Alexandria has mailed 2017 Vehicle Personal Property Tax bills to all vehicle owners registered in the City. Vehicle owners who do not receive a Personal Property Tax bill by September 1 should contact the Personal Property Division at or 703.746.3995, or the City’s Treasury Division at or 703.746.3902, Option 8.

Personal Property Tax payments are due Thursday, October 5. Any vehicle owner wishing to pay by mail should write the account number on a check or money order and mail it with the bill stub to Treasury Division, Department of Finance, City of Alexandria, P.O. Box 34899, Alexandria, VA 22334-0899. Anyone wishing to pay by another method, including eCheck, the City Hall drop box, or credit/debit card online, may visit for a list of additional payment options. Returned checks, including eChecks, are subject to a $35 fee in accordance with state law.

Late payment penalties and interest will be assessed on all accounts that are not paid by the due date. The late payment penalty is ten percent of the tax due or $10, whichever is greater. Interest accrues at an annual rate of ten percent for the first year and five percent for each year thereafter.

Taxpayers who have had a change of address or have disposed of a vehicle and have not previously reported this change to the City should contact Personal Property so that an adjusted bill can be provided to them before the October 5 due date.

Effective September 1, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles will increase the fee charged for vehicle registration holds on delinquent vehicle taxes. If the tax bill(s) shows a Prior Year Balance greater than $20, the total amount due must be paid before September 1 to avoid this increase. If payment is made on or after September 1, the City will charge an additional $5 for each vehicle with delinquent balances greater than $20, in accordance with the state fee increase.

For more information on personal property taxes and related topics, please visit

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