For Immediate Release: September 1, 2016
The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities
is continuing an invasive species control and park improvement project in
Windmill Hill Park, 501 S. Union St. The project includes the removal of
invasive Ailanthus trees and other trees that are declining, infected or
otherwise posing a safety hazard near the Wilkes St. Tunnel area. Following the tree removals,
erosion control, back filling and establishment of turf and/or native plants
will complete the project.
The work elements completed so far include removal of:
- Invasive trees (mostly mulberry trees and tree of heaven)
from the slope leading to the tunnel entrance and the brick wall along Lee St.
- Most of the English ivy from the stone face of the tunnel
entrance and the brick wall above it (this was damaging the mortar of the
historic structure).
- Most of the porcelain berry and English ivy from the chain
link fence (safety feature) above the tunnel along Lee St.
- Approximately ten Chinese hollies between the sidewalk and
the adjacent fence along Lee St. These were severely overgrown, hanging
into Lee St. , and were infested with scale insects and sooty mold.
Remaining tasks to be completed by spring 2017 include:
- Remove remaining stumps of mulberry trees and Chinese
hollies (herbicide treatments have taken full effect).
- Plant native ornamental species (winged sumac) between the
sidewalk and the fence along Lee St. to
replace the Chinese hollies.
- Repaint the existing shorter fence along Lee St. (rusted fence exposed by removal of the
Chinese hollies).
- Remove brown vegetation from wall and fence along Lee St. (vegetation was chemically treated in
- Re-treat/remove any remaining English ivy or other invasive
plants on the Lee St. wall which were
not fully killed during the first treatment.
- Evaluate the four ash trees that are in significant decline
adjacent to the playground. These will be either pruned back or removed.
- On the brick wall and fence along Lee St. prune back the
desirable trumpet vine (valuable pollinator plant, after it completes blooming
for the year).
- Remove the remaining porcelain berry and English ivy from
the brick wall and chain link fence along Lee St. (after pruning back the trumpet vine).
- Sow the hillside leading to the tunnel entrance with a mix
of native grasses and wildflowers to create a low-maintenance ground cover.
will see City crews and contractors working in this area during the daytime.
For additional information or questions about the project, contact Robert (Bob)
Taylor, Division Chief, at or 703.746.4641.