[Archived] Question # 49: How does ACPS propose to use the NVCC $400,000 contingent funded in the FY2022 budget?
How does ACPS propose to use the NVCC $400,000 contingent funded in the FY2022 budget? (City Manager Jinks)
During the FY 2022 budget development process, NVCC approached the City and Alexandria City Public School (ACPS) with a proposal to repurpose NVCC’s regional capital subsidy and move these funds from the CIP to the operating budget to create early college education opportunities for ACPS high school students. In response to this proposal, the FY 2022 Proposed Budget removed the previous NVCC capital contribution from the CIP and budgeted $400,000 in contingent reserves pending receipt of a proposal from ACPS. Refer to Attachment 1 for ACPS’ proposed Concurrent Enrollment Partnership with NOVA.
Attachment 1 – ACPS/NOVA Concurrent Enrollment Partnership