[Archived] Question # 41: During repaving in the past four years (2016-2020), what percentage of repaved streets received enhanced bicycle infrastructure as called for in the Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan?
During repaving in the past four years (2016-2020), what percentage of repaved streets received enhanced bicycle infrastructure as called for in the Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan? (Vice Mayor Bennett-Parker)
Between 2016-2020, there were 33 street segments that were repaved that the Pedestrian and Bicycle Chapter of the Transportation Master plan had recommended installation of enhanced bicycle infrastructure (impacting 41 lane-miles). Of these, 16 streets (49% of the streets) had 21.6 lane-miles (53% of the lane-miles) of enhanced bicycle infrastructure installed. Of the 17 streets that did not have enhanced bicycle infrastructure installed, 6 could potentially be accomplished within the scope of the Duke Street or West End Transitway projects, 5 installations were of a cost and complexity that would require separate multi-year capital project to construct, and 6 were not implemented due to staffing capacity constraints.