Memo for fiscal year 2022, updated 2021-03-05

[Archived] Question # 20: Using existing staffing, what is the capacity for additional tree planting in FY 2022 if new cash capital resources were identified to supplement the $213,000 currently budgeted?


Using existing staffing, what is the capacity for additional tree planting in FY 2022 if new cash capital resources were identified to supplement the $213,000 currently budgeted?  (Mayor Wilson)


Capacity with current funding of $213,000 allows for planting approximately 400 trees each year. At the time budget requests were submitted, the contracted price allowed for planting 500-600 trees each year. The contract expired and was renegotiated at a higher price of about $550 per tree.  

With current staffing levels and methods of delivery, the City has capacity to plant up to 600 trees each year with an additional $110,000, to increase the contract payment limit. This would bring the FY 2022 budget to a total of $323,000.    

To plant more than 600 trees each year, additional arborist staff and/or changes in methods of delivery would be needed. As described in the response to budget question number 43, which asked how much it would cost the City to plant 10,000 trees, the City can plant up to 1,000 trees each year without adding staff, with a change in delivery methodology from an Opt-In Planting Program, to an Opt-Out Planting Program. Please see that response for more details. 

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