[Archived] Question #72: Please provide online comments received regarding Add/Delete proposals.
Please provide online comments received regarding Add/Delete proposals. (City Manager Jinks)
As of April 18, 2019 at 11:00am, the following comments were received online regarding the City Council Add/Delete proposals. As a reminder, the public comment period on Add/Delete proposals will be open until Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 11:59pm.
Comment #5
Regarding budget figures, how are the amounts determined? Are they based on expenditures estimated based upon planned contracts and grants under full and open competition or less than full and open or sole source. Which line items? How do citizen know from the reading the budget to what extent of competition takes place? Clearly sole source would be much more expensive then full and open. What visibility do citizens have when decisions are made for less than full and open competition for contracted and granted work in the budget especially when actual budget exceeds planned budget? Can the city post a notice when the city proceeds with less than full and open competition and rational for the decision?
Comment #6
I am interested in seeing benchmarking data comparing Alexandria's budget and its major components to other cities of similar situation and size. That would help me place in context whether, for example, it is reasonable to have 108.5 FTEs in the City's Finance Department. I know this is a best practice.
Comment #7
Stop wasting money on affordable housing. You keep raising property assessments and tax rates so that those of us who've worked to live here can keep paying more and more to support the criminals who keep shooting up our neighborhoods.