[Archived] Question #61: What is the estimated cost savings for converting contractor positions to permanent FTEs in Information Technology Services (ITS)?
What is the estimated cost savings for converting contractor positions to permanent FTEs in Information Technology Services (ITS)? (Mayor Wilson)
The FY 2020 proposed budget includes the conversion of seven contracted positions that are currently being used to fill ongoing responsibilities into permanent positions in ITS, 2.5 FTEs of which are in the General Fund operating budget and 4.5 FTEs are in the CIP. The annual cost savings from bringing these positions in-house is approximately $36,500. The more significant advantage is the ability to recruit and retain quality personnel and maintain continuity of staffing.
The total budget in FY 2020 for these seven positions is approximately $720,000, of which $255,000 is in the operating budget and $465,000 is in the CIP. The FY 2020-2029 CIP includes $465,000 in additional budget authority for these positions because they are currently being charged against project budgets and adding funding for staffing increases funding for infrastructure and contract implementation costs. The FY 2020 proposed operating budget does not include additional funding for the 2.5 FTEs as the temporary positions are funded through vacancy savings in FY 2019. If ITS becomes fully staffed during FY 2020, staff may need to delay future recruitments to continue funding these positions.