[Archived] Question #60: Can you please provide the fiscal impact of the remaining recommendations of the 2015 Old Town Area Parking Study (OTAPS) that have not yet been implemented?
Can you please provide the fiscal impact of the remaining recommendations of the 2015 Old Town Area Parking Study (OTAPS) that have not yet been implemented? (Mayor Wilson)
The 2015 OTAPS includes 18 recommendations intended to achieve four goals:
- encourage short term visitors to park in metered areas rather than residential blocks
- encourage long term visitors to use transit and park in off-street garages and surface lots
- preserve parking on residential blocks for residents and guests
- encourage compliance at meters and in residential parking districts
Of these recommendations, 12 have yet to be fully implemented. Implementation of the outstanding recommendations may impact future budgets by generating $120,000 or more in new revenues, potential loss of $318,000 or more in existing revenue, $250,000 or more in new expenditures, and four recommendations would maintain a neutral budget (they are already built into ongoing operating expenditures). Below is a cost summary table. Refer to Attachment 1 which includes a full list of all 18 recommendations (including completed recommendations) in detail with the March 2019 progress update and explanations for current budget assumptions.