[Archived] Question #05: How much does the City spend on street maintenance?
How much does the City spend on street maintenance? (Councilman Seifeldein)
The City is responsible for maintaining over 560 lane miles of roadway Citywide. The FY 2019 approved budget included $3,210,050 in operating funds for general street maintenance and $5,260,000 for street reconstruction and resurfacing. In FY 2018, the City spent $7,639,774 on street maintenance, which included $3,308,461 from the operating budget and $4,331,313 from the capital budget. These expenditures are exclusive of improvements from Complete Streets, signage/signals/markings and sidewalk maintenance. The City receives assistance for operating and capital expenditures from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). In FY 2018, the City received $1M in awarded Primary Extension grant from VDOT for capital paving.
For a summary of the relationship between street, sidewalk and complete streets funding in the FY 2020 budget, please see Appendix E on page 19.15 of the Proposed FY 2020 - 2029 Capital Improvement Program.