[Archived] Question #74: What are other jurisdictions doing in terms of affordable housing funding streams and how are they using their affordable housing funding?
What are other jurisdictions doing in terms of affordable housing funding streams and how are they using their affordable housing funding?
Below are tables that show what revenues Alexandria and Arlington and Fairfax Counties have proposed for affordable housing development and activities (sources and uses) in their proposed FY 2018 budgets. Please note that Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs are administered by the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) in the City and by Fairfax's Redevelopment Housing Authority (RHA) which is staffed by its Department of Community and Housing Development. Arlington County and Prince William County do not have a Housing Authority or public housing, so its allocation of federal voucher resources is administered through the Department of Human Services and the Office of Housing and Community Development in Prince William.
The following table illustrates programs used by each jurisdiction for affordable housing development. Each is unique in how they operate housing programs to serve low and moderate income households, with many programs including both human services and housing elements.