[Archived] Question #59: Can staff produce a refresh of the NVJDC question on page 9 and 10 of Budget Memo 11 from FY 2016?
Can staff produce a refresh of the NVJDC question on page 9 and 10 of Budget Memo 11 from FY 2016?
The formula for calculating each jurisdictions contribution has not
materially changed since the FY 2016 budget memo. The
City’s share is determined by deducting State and other sources of revenue from
total estimated operating expenses to determine the local share and
distributing the local share among the participating jurisdictions of
Alexandria, Arlington County and the City of Falls Church. The
jurisdictions’ contributions are based upon the average use of the facility, in
client days, of each jurisdiction’s clients for the previous three calendar
years. Non-participating jurisdictions’ client days and vacancies are not
factored into this calculation.
The City’s contribution has ranged from $1.2 million in FY 2006 to a
high of $1.6 million in FY 2008-2010 and $1.4 million in FY 2011-2014. In FY
2016, the contribution was $262,843 due to the one-time use of NVJDC fund balance. In FY
2017, the contribution increased to $1.1 million. The amount requested by NVJDC
for FY 2018 is $1.5 million. The increase from FY 2017 to FY 2018 is due to the
need for additional security staffing mandated by the federal Prison Rape Elimination
Act (PREA) staffing requirements, the loss of federal Office of Refugee
Resettlement/Division of Children’s Services (ORR/DCS) grant revenue, and the
use of one-time prior year funding in the FY 2017 budget. Utilization of the
facility in child care days since FY 2006 is shown in the following table. For several
years, the facility used some of the additional capacity from declining local
utilization to house children from other jurisdictions and the ORR/DCS program
which provided additional revenue, however the ORR/DCS grant expired in January
There is no direct correlation between childcare days in each year and that year’s contribution since each jurisdictions utilization is measured as a percent of total utilization and is calculated as a three-year trailing average. Revenues from other sources also impact the amount of the overall jurisdictions share and vary year-to-year.