[Archived] What would be the cost to operate holiday lights year-round?
Expanding the holiday lights to 12 months would
cost approximately $100,000 more than the current budget. In FY 2016, there is
$106,707 budgeted for the cost to purchase the light strings, install and
remove the lights, fund the electricity, and replace a small number of strings
during the display period. The cost increase would be due to the increased
number of lights needed, their year-round cyclical replacement, and year-round
electricity usage.
The most significant increase is in the cost to install and remove the lights. Currently the lights are installed and removed once per year at the beginning and end of the holiday season with some mid-season replacement of lights as necessary. Due to the wear and tear on the strings from weather exposure, the lights would need to be replaced approximately every six months during the course of the year, generating recurring costs for materials and labor throughout the year. Due to their limited useful lives, new light strings and extension cords would need to be purchased twice over the course of the year.