[Archived] What is the remaining OPERATING sidewalk maintenance allocation? What sidewalk maintenance is performed as an operating expenditure that is not performed under the expanded CIP project?
The operating budget for sidewalk maintenance in FY 2017 is $264,000. The operating sidewalk maintenance allocation is used to address complaints, service requests, tree root damage, cracking, tripping hazards, heaving, and other smaller, more routine maintenance issues that arise.
The capital sidewalk maintenance proposed budget is $950,000 for FY 2017. The CIP funds larger, more complex sidewalk replacement projects, including concrete work in advance of the CIP Pavement Resurfacing schedule as well as additional work from T&ES Complete Streets projects, such as intersection improvements and ADA ramp compliance. The increase from previously approved budget in FY 2016 is attributable to keeping up with increased resurfacing demands and funding.